Thursday, May 21, 2009

What is the meaning of life?

I could not have made up a broader question. But, I find it interesting to philosophize about such complex matter.

The meaning or the point of life can literally be anything. Individually, achieving your goals, as Existentialist would say, life is the measure of your own individuality. Collectively, the point of life might be developing a successful society, whether it is through Thomas Hobbs' Leviathan or Rousseau's Social Contract. Religions would say doing good works, or obeying God.

In conclusion, the answer to this grand question is beyond human comprehension. Cultural relativism, opposing forces of reason and irrational, Hegel's dialectic and other motives in the history of human progress prove that the plane cerebrums embodied in all homo sapiens is too plane to know even what the point is even of its own existence.

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